Clanwar Details
Datum: 12.10.2009 20:00 Uhr
Team: CS:S - rvk.eas
Gegner: headb0x - headb0x
Liga: ESL Amateur Series 4th Divison
Spielart: CS:S | MR15
XonX: 5on5
Maps: de_nuke
Server: RvK | Warserver @ -
Admin(s): tba
rvk.eas headb0x - headb0x
Punkte: 16 7
Lineup: rvk.eas √ $killu
rvk.eas √ agonie[J]-
rvk.eas √ $tiffi
rvk.eas √ div[I]
rvk.eas √ shifty
headb0x | GÜNNI
headb0x | SImon
headb0x | Texmexx
headb0x | XQTR
headb0x | voo



 ESL Amateur Series 4th Division MATCHLINK : headb0x vs. rvk.eas


RevolutionKillers (Team : rvk.eas) Statement 

headb0x Statement 




Screen 1 Screen 2
Screen 3 Screen 4
Seite: «  1...7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 ...7983 »
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