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mmate, wide receiver Chris Matthews, getti
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#1 am 13.12.2016 um 04:23 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
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Last week, Vitor Belfort said he was off testosterone-replacement therapy, had passed self-administered tests and was ready to reclaim his middleweight title shot against Chris Weidman. Manny Ramirez Jersey . This week, UFC president Dana White says its not that easy. "Hes got a lot of work to do," White said, as quoted by "That (expletive) doesnt just happen like that. Youve got to get on the agenda – hes got a lot of work to do." Belfort was originally scheduled to fight Weidman at UFC 173 on May 24 in Las Vegas, however a Nevada State Athletic Commission ban on TRT forced the former light heavyweight champion to pull out of the fight. Since then, Lyoto Machida has stepped into the vacant title shot, Weidman has undergone minor knee surgery and the event has been pushed to UFC 175 in July - also in Las Vegas. And although Belfort claims he has tested his testosterone levels, itis still a matter of getting NSAC approval and licence to fight. "Hes fooling himself if thats what he really thinks, is that he took a couple home tests and hes ready to roll, or whatever he did," White said. "Hes always fun. Hes hilarious." Belfort was suspended by the NSAC in 2006 for testing positive with high levels of testosterone after a loss at PRIDE 32 to another former TRT patient, Dan Henderson. The last time he fought in Las Vegas was at UFC 126 in February 2011. "Hes got to solve his problems with the Nevada State Athletic Commission, and when he does that, we can figure it out," White said. "He better get to work." Bob Feller Indians Jersey . As analysts we do the same thing, so here are some observations from week one. First there were two major upsets. I should say, major upsets in the eyes of the fans and prognosticators. Jason Kipnis Indians Jersey . Unfortunately for Toronto, that surge was too much to handle as the Stars scored six straight goals and ended the Marlies season with a 6-2 victory on Tuesday. Toronto had built a 2-0 lead on goals by Frazer McLaren and Peter Holland, but Texas charged back with a wild rally late in the second period to spark its trip to the Calder Cup final.( - Marshawn Lynch wont be joining Lech Walesa on the list of most famous dissidents but the Seattle Seahawks star running back is always ready to fight the power that is the NFL. Lynch is often difficult, a moody, distant man who doesnt seem to enjoy the microscope professional athletes find themselves under. And plenty of people have made excuses for Lynchs behavior over the years, including yours truly who doesnt believe dissing the media should be labeled as a federal offense. Most recently Pete Carroll was busy jumping on his sword for the misunderstood Marshawn. First off, lets not miss that he is a very unique individual and he has a way that we have embraced, that we understand Marshawn and we support him every way that we can, the Seahawks coach said. But he is a very unique guy, and hes got his own way of looking at things, and hes also a very private person, too. Thats why the media thing is as it is. Its not something that he is going to express a whole lot to you. Ive said this before, that theres a great deal spoken in his silence as well. To his enablers Lynch gets a pass because he grew up in a tough neighborhood in Oakland with an absentee father. Of course, plenty of people have overcome far bigger hurdles in life and when it comes to the fork in the road where its time to be a professional or a professional troublemaker, they chose the right path. Lynch, on the other hand, always seems to speed down the left lane of dissension boulevard, intent on creating trouble where none exists. Its easy to make fun of the NFLs rules at times and point out the absurdity of preventing a grown man from wearing gold spikes or fining him tens of thousands of dollars for impudence toward reporters. But, unlike the tuck rule or the Calvin Johnson rule there is a method to the NFLs madness when it comes to Lynchs chutzpah. Sponsors pay big money to make sure there products are worn by NFL teams and everyone, including Lynch, seems to enjoy the heavy paychecks they receive because of it so the No Fun League label everyone likes to throw out when the NFL makes a big deal out of a seemingly trivial issue has sound business sense behind it. The same applies with Lynchs shrinking-violet persona when it comes to the microphones. We can all stipulate to the fact that if Lynch doesnt talk, its no great loss to our national discourse but if the NFL lets him get away with it without a significcant punishment, plenty of others could follow suit and access would then become a real problem. Joe Carter Indians Jersey. . All that said, Lynchs flouting of uniform standards or insolence toward nameless, faceless reporter No. 266 at Super Bowl media day means little on the football field, where he remains the Seahawks offensive MVP. Contemptuous people, however, can rarely keep their effrontery caged while protesting their uneducated goals strategically. Lynch has already been fined twice for grabbing his crotch after scoring touchdowns, first during a backward dive into the end zone in a game against the Arizona Cardinals in December, and most recently after scoring a touchdown late in the NFC Championship Game against the Green Bay Packers. If the officials happened to notice Lynchs Degeneration X-like celebration, though, they would have thrown a flag for unsportsmanlike conduct, making the ensuing two-point conversation against the Packers untenable, you know the one which made Mason Crosbys field goal in the closing seconds of the NFC title tilt for the tie and not the win. Thats how close Lynch came to throwing away a second straight trip to the Super Bowl for the Seahawks. all because of a complicated mixture of ego, vanity and smugness. And now Lynch has a target on his back as Super Bowl XLIX approaches with the NFLs head of officiating, Dean Blandino, confirming that if Lynch does it again in the big game, his team is getting punished. If he does it after scoring a touchdown, That means they will kick off from the 20-yard line, Blandino told ESPN. Instead of getting the message Lynch took to Twitter to complain about his teammate, wide receiver Chris Matthews, getting fined for the same gesture after Lynchs touchdown against the Pack. I feel embarrassed to work for a particular organization that fined a teammate of mine for shaking my hand after a touchdown, Lynch wrote. Yeah, Marshawn, thats why the NFL fined Matthews. You can now add disingenuous to the list of adjectives to describe Lynchs childish behavior. Carroll of course is most concerned about winning a football game and took a little time off from sanctioning Lynchs tired act to hear the NFLs warning loud and clear. I havent talked to him about the thing that just came up from the league and the things about the game and all that yet, but that will be addressed and I expect him to have a great Super Bowl week, Carroll said. Cheap Jerseys From China ' ' ' 
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